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ReMentoring in Sports Project: European Partners Convene in Lisbon to Explore Cutting-Edge Training Approaches


LISBON, Portugal – January 24, 2024 – The ReMentoring in Sports project, a European-funded initiative aimed at enhancing new generation coaching and training methodologies in sports, recently held a productive meeting in Lisbon, Portugal. The meeting, organized by the Portuguese Sport Evolution Alliance (Portugal), brought together representatives from Uşak Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports (Turkey), Sdruzhenie Levski Sport Za Vsichki (Bulgaria), Elliniko Swmateio Dynamikou Triathlou – Hellenic Powerlifting Association (Greece) to watch and collect best practices in the rapidly evolving landscape of sports training.

From January 15 to 17, the representatives from the ReMentoring Project explored state-of-the-art training facilities in guided tours through the Centro de Alto Rendimento do Jamor (Jamor High Performance Centre), Sport Algés e Dafundo and Sporting Clube de Portugal Multisport facilities and observed athletes from various sports in action.

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The gathering also featured informative sessions by industry experts, including physiotherapist Rodrigo da Costa Martins, who shared valuable pre-Olympic training insights, and Sports Medicine expert Miguel Gonçalves Cardoso from Federação Portuguesa de Karaté (Portuguese Karate Federation), along with Sports Psychology specialist & Sports Coach Paula Madeira from the Centro de Medicina Desportiva de Lisboa (Lisbon Sports Medicine Centre).

The last day of the meeting provided partners with an opportunity to collaboratively advance the goals of the ReMentoring in Sports project.

The Key objectives of the project include:

Increasing the new generation skills of coaches from four different countries, in at least four different branches, in communication and motivation by 60%.
Enhancing the basic skills of trainers from four different countries, in at least four different branches, in the use of technological tools and digital applications in sports by 40%.
Empowering trainers and sports managers from four different countries to develop innovative applications that enhance the quality of sports.
Boosting the transnational cooperation capacity of participating institutions by 400% in the next two years compared to previous years.
Improving the project preparation and execution skills of project personnel by at least two times.
Implementing “Reverse Mentoring” approaches in the sports activities of participating institutions and partner organizations.
The ReMentoring in Sports project is set to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of sports training and fostering international collaboration among sports professionals.

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